
President :     Luqman Mazlan
Secretariat :     Kotaro Maeda, Shigeki Yamaguchi, Masaaki Ito

Societies of Colorectal Surgery / Coloporctology in Asian countries
Association of Colon and Rectal Surgeons of India Pradeep P Sharma
Iranian Association of Surgeons Iradj Fazel
Thai Society of Colorectal Surgeon Boonchai Ngamsirimas
Society of Colorectal Surgeons, Singapore Surendra Mantoo
Malaysian Society of Colorectal Surgeons   Luqman Mazlan
Philippine Society of Colorectal Surgeons Marc Paul J. Lopez
Chinese Anti-cancer Association, Committee of Colorectal Cancer Sanjun Cai
Chinese Association of Colorectal Surgery Jian Ping Wang
China Association of Chinese Medicine, Committee of Colorectal Diseases (中華中医薬学学会 肛腸分学会長) Zhenguo Tian
Hong Kong Society for Coloproctology Simon Ng
Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Taiwan Chien-kuo Liu
Korean Society of Coloproctology Hyeong Rok Kim
Japan Society of Coloproctology Michiaki Itabashi
Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia and New Zealand Frank Frizelle
Taiwan Society of Coloproctology Jin-Tung Liang
Myanmar Colorectal Surgical Society Moe Moe Tin
Bangladesh Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons Shahadat Hossain
Indonesian society of Coloproctology M iqbal Rivai
Mongolian society of colorectal surgeons Byadran Lkhagvabayar

Application form for Asian Pacific Federation of Coloproctology
Please download the membership application form from here.

By Laws of the Asia Pacific Federation of Coloproctology
(Revised on June 2nd, 1995, 5th Congress, Seoul, Korea)
(Revised on September 22nd 2007 11th Congress, Tokyo Japan)
(Revised on September 27, 2009, 12th Congress, Goa, India)
(Revised on March 15, 2019, 17th Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
The name of the society shall be the ASIA PACIFIC FEDERATION OF COLO-PROCTOLOGY, subsequently referred to as' the Federation'. The original organization was the Asian Society of Colo-Rectal Surgery and until 2009 the Asian Federation of Coloproctolgy.

The location of the headquarter and secretariat of the Federation will be in Japan otherwise changed by the Governing Council.
The secretariat of the Federation will be responsible for general operation of the Federation.

1. To promote the advancement of coloproctology in the Asia Pacific region.
2. To maintain active communications with all organizations interested in coloproctology and its related fields, in the Asia Pacific area
3. To relate with other International Associations of Coloproctology
4. To co-ordinate and facilitate the conduct of the biennial Congress of the Federation holding of an Asian Scientific Congress of Coloproctology

4.1 Membership of the Federation will be open to any National coloproctologic association or society in the Asia Pacific region.

4.2 Where a nation has more than one such National organization, then each organization may be a member, however that one nation may have only one voting representative on the Council of the Federation ( see 5.5)

4.3 Trans-national associations and societies wishing to become a member of the Federation will need to present an application in writing to the Council. Admission to membership will be determined by a vote of Council (see 5.5). Such Trans-national societies will be represented by its chairman or his/her nominee & will not have any voting rights.

4.4 Individual membership
- Any individual from the countries not having an association (society) is allowed to become a member as an individual
- For the doctors who don’t have their own society
- Once an individual becomes a member, it is recommended to establish a society in the country and, if the society is established, the society is to be invited to become a member of our society
- The individual member has no right to vote.

5.1 Membership of the governing council
Membership of the governing council of the Federation, referred to subsequently as 'The Council', will comprise the President/Chairman of the member National Association/Society or their nominee.

5.2 Executive board
The executive board shall consist of the following:
* Immediate past president
* President
* Secretariat of APFCP (Secretariat)
* Congress president of host country (Congress president)
* Congress president of next host country (Next congress president)
* Representatives from up to 5 countries (President decide the participating country according to the contribution to APFCP)

5.2.1  President
The congress president will become the president of the Federation at the congress that he or she hosts, and will continue the presidency until the next congress.
He or she shall chair all meetings of the Council and the Executive and the proceedings of the meetings will be follow due process and professional codes of conduct.
Official exchange of opinion and views shall be documented in written format in the form of minutes, the keeping of and circulation will be the responsibility of the president
The president shall be responsible for the proper functioning of the Federation, and is empowered to make the necessary decisions with the knowledge and consent of the Executive. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the Council and at the Executive Meeting.

5.2.2  Immediate Past President
Self explanatory.

5.2.3  Congress President
The congress president shall be responsible to the council for the financial and organizational conduct of the congress and to maintain close communication with the executive, and substitute for the president when necessary

5.2.4  Next Congress President
The next congress president shall be responsible to the council for the financial and organizational conduct of the next congress and to maintain close communication with the executive board

5.2.5  Secretariat
The Secretariat shall be responsible for general operation of the headquarter and Federation by helping president of APFCP. The secretariat also shall be responsible for the communication with member societies and the communication between APFCP and the hosting countries

5.3 Meetings
The Council may meet at any time, and a business meeting shall be conducted at least once in every two years.

5.4 Representation at Council meetings
Each member Association/society shall be represented by no more than two delegates. Each nation or shall not have more than one vote.

5.5 Voting at Council and Executive meetings
A two-third majority will be necessary to form a decision at Council and Executive, when voting is required. This includes dissolution of the Federation. A quorum will consist of half the voting membership of council, at least five (5) members.
In case of a tie, the president or chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote. Co-opted or invited representatives of trans-national organizations will have no voting rights.

5.6 Advisory Board
The advisory board shall advise the future direction of APFCP. The members will be previous Presidents and the seniors who have been recognized as the ones making special contribution to the society.


The hosting country or place of the Congress has the responsibilities for all the financial keeping of the Federation for 2 years (see 5.2.6 above).

7.1 Cycle
The Congress of the Federation shall be held every two years (odd number) by rotation.

7.2 Selection of host nation
The host nation, for the congress 4 years hence, will be voted on by Council at the current Congress.
Bids from the host candidates, must be received in writing by Council at least one month before the Congress meeting of the Council.
The host candidates must be members of the Federation and have a representative attend the Council meeting at the Congress.

7.3 Interim meeting
If there are countries who want to host interim meeting of APFCP(own or conjoined with other meeting) executive board can authorize after evaluation.